Monday, March 30, 2009

roving gourmands

We were descended upon by ten crows this morning. They haven't been around in awhile, or at least not when we're home. Their visiting numbers have increased dramatically--from four to ten. I wish I knew what precipitated the addition of members; could it be that as nesting season is about to begin extended family members have been recruited to help out? Or simply the fact that ten pair of eyes are better than four?
A combination of both? The mysteries of the corvid world abound.
Alas, they were gone before I knew it. When I saw them do a 'fly by' to check out the contents of their feeding platform (at the time it was empty of food but full of snow) I high-tailed it to the refrigerator for the bag of turkey-dog slices I had prepared in case they stopped by. To this I added some tortillas, dumped the mess on the perch, and waited. Someone must have been watching (although I saw no crows in the area when I headed back into the house) as they appeared in the cottonwood and bur oak within two minutes. Nine stayed in the trees while the tenth investigated the cache. How, I wonder, did he get the job of investigator? Was he the low crow or the alpha crow? The bravest bird, the senior bird, or the most expendable bird?
Whatever the case, the turkey dogs were rejected. The nosing around ended in everyone leaving, with no delectable hot-dog slices or tortilla bits being taken. This leads me to believe that they must have a better selection elsewhere. Mike says they're not hungry. I think I just need to up the ante. Tomorrow it's fried eggs.

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